Leaflet Distribution Glasgow

Leaflet Network

The G postcode area, also known as the Glasgow postcode area, is primarily centered on Glasgow itself, and West Dunbartonshire (including Dumbarton, Clydebank and Alexandria), plus parts of the council areas of Argyll and Bute (including Arrochar and Helensburgh), East Dunbartonshire, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, East Renfrewshire and Stirling.

Approximate total number of households in area: 543408

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    G1 11197
    G1 2484
    G1 386
    G1 4112
    G1 5825
    G11 51766
    G11 61056
    G11 73845
    G12 04216
    G12 81414
    G12 93533
    G13 13823
    G13 24213
    G13 36747
    G13 43432
    G14 03160
    G14 95460
    G15 62615
    G15 71757
    G15 81239
    G2 145
    G2 244
    G2 3152
    G2 4120
    G2 518
    G2 648
    G2 7549
    G2 8163
    G20 03782
    G20 61796
    G20 72136
    G20 83880
    G20 91433
    G21 15359
    G21 23973
    G21 36080
    G21 45877
    G22 53801
    G22 64540
    G22 74413
    G23 53044
    G3 61910
    G3 71329
    G3 82491
    G31 12725
    G31 21934
    G31 31019
    G31 41586
    G31 5713
    G32 03649
    G32 64110
    G32 72577
    G32 84183
    G32 94017
    G33 13857
    G33 23536
    G33 33359
    G33 43323
    G33 52058
    G33 62167
    G34 02976
    G34 92804
    G4 03142
    G4 91513
    G40 11294
    G40 21217
    G40 31418
    G40 41218
    G41 1904
    G41 23940
    G41 36137
    G41 42170
    G41 53062
    G42 03368
    G42 72805
    G42 85948
    G42 95439
    G43 13851
    G43 24663
    G44 34395
    G44 45304
    G44 55588
    G45 02949
    G45 95712
    G46 63457
    G46 72886
    G46 84072
    G5 04941
    G5 8447
    G5 91953
    G51 13888
    G51 24685
    G51 33671
    G51 45220
    G52 13723
    G52 25867
    G52 34452
    G52 42004
    G53 54426
    G53 63246
    G53 75293
    G60 52189
    G61 12492
    G61 22478
    G61 32498
    G61 43052
    G62 61749
    G62 72650
    G62 81088
    G63 01869
    G63 91679
    G64 14922
    G64 22283
    G64 32234
    G64 41037
    G65 02561
    G65 93140
    G66 11595
    G66 23398
    G66 33069
    G66 42340
    G66 51674
    G66 71602
    G66 81514
    G67 12399
    G67 25204
    G67 33624
    G67 43702
    G68 01867
    G68 93324
    G69 02667
    G69 64655
    G69 75092
    G69 8782
    G69 91374
    G71 52588
    G71 63186
    G71 72343
    G71 82733
    G72 03269
    G72 75968
    G72 86793
    G72 94098
    G73 11686
    G73 24316
    G73 34425
    G73 43308
    G73 53800
    G74 11908
    G74 23412
    G74 36199
    G74 43861
    G74 5344
    G75 03839
    G75 87103
    G75 93617
    G76 01918
    G76 73155
    G76 83227
    G76 9701
    G77 54315
    G77 64502
    G78 13796
    G78 23918
    G78 32361
    G78 4303
    G81 13008
    G81 23107
    G81 33323
    G81 43267
    G81 52417
    G81 62894
    G82 11342
    G82 22837
    G82 32686
    G82 42419
    G82 52618
    G83 03240
    G83 7399
    G83 83043
    G83 94034
    G84 02049
    G84 72624
    G84 82565
    G84 91917

    Postal Area G