Leaflet Distribution Oldham

Leaflet Network

The OL postcode area, also known as the Oldham postcode area, covers eastern Greater Manchester (including Oldham, Rochdale, Ashton-under-Lyne, Heywood and Littleborough), plus small parts of east Lancashire (including Bacup) and western West Yorkshire (including Todmorden).

Approximate total number of households in area: 190317

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    OL1 1161
    OL1 22989
    OL1 31921
    OL1 44242
    OL10 11563
    OL10 22919
    OL10 33936
    OL10 44049
    OL11 12196
    OL11 24663
    OL11 33576
    OL11 42847
    OL11 54608
    OL12 02793
    OL12 64431
    OL12 74391
    OL12 83118
    OL12 94244
    OL13 01759
    OL13 81868
    OL13 92871
    OL14 52266
    OL14 61640
    OL14 71287
    OL14 81719
    OL15 01566
    OL15 82241
    OL15 92184
    OL16 1425
    OL16 23417
    OL16 33284
    OL16 44699
    OL16 52558
    OL2 54392
    OL2 65383
    OL2 74914
    OL2 83481
    OL3 52794
    OL3 61359
    OL3 71844
    OL4 13488
    OL4 24276
    OL4 32343
    OL4 43291
    OL4 53898
    OL5 02396
    OL5 92201
    OL6 62338
    OL6 71534
    OL6 84521
    OL6 94039
    OL7 02620
    OL7 94721
    OL8 13599
    OL8 24591
    OL8 34278
    OL8 43154
    OL9 03747
    OL9 62201
    OL9 73005
    OL9 83705
    OL9 93773

    Postal Area OL