Leaflet Distribution Preston

Leaflet Network

The PR postcode area, also known as the Preston postcode area, covers south-west Lancashire (including Preston, Chorley and Leyland) and north Merseyside (including Southport).

Approximate total number of households in area: 207425

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    PR1 03795
    PR1 11457
    PR1 2520
    PR1 31492
    PR1 43426
    PR1 53359
    PR1 63808
    PR1 72377
    PR1 82175
    PR1 95452
    PR2 16167
    PR2 23577
    PR2 35972
    PR2 5949
    PR2 66195
    PR2 71783
    PR2 82946
    PR2 94232
    PR25 13527
    PR25 22074
    PR25 32667
    PR25 42518
    PR25 51785
    PR26 6849
    PR26 72473
    PR26 8169
    PR26 91457
    PR3 02265
    PR3 14189
    PR3 21871
    PR3 33550
    PR3 51114
    PR3 6904
    PR4 02398
    PR4 14292
    PR4 23666
    PR4 33116
    PR4 42389
    PR4 53355
    PR4 63674
    PR5 02213
    PR5 44249
    PR5 54166
    PR5 63737
    PR5 82105
    PR6 04208
    PR6 74166
    PR6 82683
    PR6 92857
    PR7 13087
    PR7 23483
    PR7 33534
    PR7 42649
    PR7 54390
    PR7 63387
    PR8 11774
    PR8 23941
    PR8 35443
    PR8 44826
    PR8 52360
    PR8 65081
    PR9 02921
    PR9 74953
    PR9 84438
    PR9 96790

    Postal Area PR