Leaflet Distribution Romford

Leaflet Network

The RM postcode area, also known as the Romford postcode area, covers parts of eastern Greater London and south-west Essex.

Approximate total number of households in area: 209426

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    RM1 1439
    RM1 22156
    RM1 3559
    RM1 44857
    RM10 74596
    RM10 85621
    RM10 94835
    RM11 14608
    RM11 24286
    RM11 34249
    RM12 46982
    RM12 54181
    RM12 64134
    RM13 74131
    RM13 83438
    RM13 95288
    RM14 14974
    RM14 23707
    RM14 32967
    RM15 43268
    RM15 54491
    RM15 63454
    RM16 24881
    RM16 31143
    RM16 44022
    RM16 5161
    RM16 63597
    RM17 54939
    RM17 65402
    RM18 71710
    RM18 84594
    RM19 12037
    RM2 52968
    RM2 62773
    RM20 10
    RM20 222
    RM20 3626
    RM20 41242
    RM3 04636
    RM3 74449
    RM3 84751
    RM3 94519
    RM4 11630
    RM5 23742
    RM5 34391
    RM6 44333
    RM6 54458
    RM6 63573
    RM7 04358
    RM7 71883
    RM7 83058
    RM7 92191
    RM8 14636
    RM8 26359
    RM8 34854
    RM9 44730
    RM9 55082
    RM9 64455

    Postal Area RM